WASP - How to Incorporate Load Tests in Your Workflow
You might be wondering where load tests belong in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and how to incorporate them effectively. The diagram below illustrates the recommended approach:
title: Workload execution. P - Profile, G - Generator, VU - VirtualUser
participant Product repo
participant Runner
participant K8s
participant Loki
participant Grafana
participant Devs
Product repo->>Product repo: Define NFR for different workloads<br/>Define application dashboard<br/>Define dashboard alerts<br/>Define load tests
Product repo->>Grafana: Upload app dashboard<br/>Alerts have "requirement_name" label<br/>Each "requirement_name" group is based on some NFR
loop CI runs
Product repo->>Runner: CI runs small load test
Runner->>Runner: Execute load test logic<br/>Run multiple generators
Runner->>Loki: Stream load test data
Runner->>Grafana: Check alerts for "requirement_name": "baseline"
Grafana->>Devs: Notify devs (Dashboard URL/Alert groups)
Product repo->>Runner: CI runs large load test
Runner->>K8s: Split workload into multiple jobs<br/>Monitor job statuses
K8s->>Loki: Stream load test data
Runner->>Grafana: Check alerts for "requirement_name": "stress"
Grafana->>Devs: Notify devs (Dashboard URL/Alert groups)
Workflow Explanation
Define Requirements and Dashboards:
- Define NFRs (Non-Functional Requirements) for different workloads.
- Create an application dashboard and define alerts grouped by
group corresponds to a specific NFR.
Integrate into CI/CD:
- Small Load Tests:
Run small load tests as part of your CI pipeline:- Execute load test logic with multiple generators.
- Stream test data to Loki.
- Check Grafana alerts for the "baseline" group.
- Notify developers with dashboard URLs and alert group details.
- Large Load Tests:
For stress testing:- Split the workload into multiple Kubernetes jobs and monitor their statuses.
- Stream test data to Loki.
- Check Grafana alerts for the "stress" group.
- Notify developers with dashboard URLs and alert group details.
- Small Load Tests:
Notification and Iteration:
- Alerts notify developers about potential issues, directing them to relevant dashboards and alert groups.
Key Points
- Scalable Testing: Use small load tests for quick validation in CI and larger tests for stress validation.
- Real-Time Monitoring: Leverage Grafana to monitor metrics and alerts during test execution.
- Team Collaboration: Automate notifications to keep the team informed of any issues.
This approach ensures that load testing is seamlessly integrated into your SDLC and provides actionable insights for maintaining performance and reliability.