Kubernetes - Environments

As mentioned earlier, CTFv1 creates k8s environments programmatically from existing building blocks. These include:

  • anvil
  • blockscout (cdk8s)
  • chainlink node
  • geth
  • goc (cdk8s)
  • grafana
  • influxdb
  • kafka
  • mock-adapter
  • mockserver
  • reorg controller
  • schema registry
  • solana validator
  • starknet validator
  • wiremock

Unless noted otherwise, all components are based on Helm charts.


The process of creating new environments or modifying existing ones is explained in detail here. This document focuses on a practical example of creating a new k8s test environment with a basic setup.

It is highly recommended to read that tutorial before proceeding.

Example: Basic Testing Environment

We will create a simple testing environment consisting of:

  • 6 Chainlink nodes
  • 1 blockchain node (go-ethereum, aka geth)

In real-world scenarios, you should dynamically generate or load Chainlink node configurations to suit your needs. For simplicity, we will use a hardcoded configuration:

func TestSimpleDONWithLinkContract(t *testing.T) {
	tomlConfig := `[Feature]
FeedsManager = true
LogPoller = true
UICSAKeys = true

MaxIdleConns = 20
MaxOpenConns = 40
MigrateOnStartup = true

Level = "debug"
JSONConsole = true

MaxSize = "0b"

AllowOrigins = "*"
HTTPWriteTimeout = "3m0s"
HTTPPort = 6688
SecureCookies = false
SessionTimeout = "999h0m0s"

Authenticated = 2000
Unauthenticated = 1000

HTTPSPort = 0

Enabled = true


ListenAddresses = [""]

ChainID = "1337"
AutoCreateKey = true
FinalityDepth = 1
MinContractPayment = "0"

PriceMax = "200 gwei"
LimitDefault = 6000000
FeeCapDefault = "200 gwei"

Name = "Simulated Geth-0"
WSURL = "ws://geth:8546"
HTTPURL = "http://geth:8544"`

This configuration enables the log poller and OCRv2 features while connecting to an EVM chain with ChainID 1337. It uses the following RPC URLs:

  • WebSocket: ws://geth:8546
  • HTTP: http://geth:8544

These URLs correspond to the default ports for geth and match the go-ethereum service name in the k8s cluster.

To define the Chainlink deployment, we configure the image, version, and other parameters such as replicas and database settings. Here's the detailed implementation:

chainlinkImageCfg := &ctf_config.ChainlinkImageConfig{
    Image:   ptr.Ptr("public.ecr.aws/chainlink/chainlink"),
    Version: ptr.Ptr("2.19.0"),

var overrideFn = func(_ interface{}, target interface{}) {
    ctf_config.MustConfigOverrideChainlinkVersion(chainlinkImageCfg, target)

cd := chainlink.NewWithOverride(0, map[string]any{
    "replicas": 6,          // Number of Chainlink nodes
    "toml":     tomlConfig, // TOML configuration defined earlier
    "db": map[string]any{
        "stateful": true,   // Use stateful databases for tests
}, chainlinkImageCfg, overrideFn)

Key Details:

  • Image and Version: These are hardcoded here for simplicity but should ideally be configurable for different environments.
  • Replicas: We specify 6 Chainlink nodes to simulate a multi-node setup.
  • Database Configuration: The database is stateful to allow for persistence during soak tests.
  • Override Function: This ensures that the specified image and version are applied to all Chainlink node deployments.

Step 3: Label Resources

To track costs effectively, add required chain.link labels to all k8s resources:

productName := "data-feedsv1.0"
nsLabels, err := environment.GetRequiredChainLinkNamespaceLabels(productName, "soak")
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error creating namespace labels", err)

workloadPodLabels, err := environment.GetRequiredChainLinkWorkloadAndPodLabels(productName, "soak")
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error creating workload and pod labels", err)

Set the following environment variables:

  • CHAINLINK_ENV_USER: Name of the person running the test.
  • CHAINLINK_USER_TEAM: Name of the team the test is for.

Step 4: Create Environment Config

baseEnvironmentConfig := &environment.Config{
    TTL:                time.Hour * 2,
    NamespacePrefix:    "my-namespace-prefix",
    Test:               t,
    PreventPodEviction: true,
    Labels:             nsLabels,
    WorkloadLabels:     workloadPodLabels,
    PodLabels:          workloadPodLabels,

Key Fields:

  • TTL: Time-to-live for the namespace (auto-removal after this time).
  • NamespacePrefix: Ensures unique namespace names.
  • PreventPodEviction: Prevents pods from being evicted or restarted.

Step 5: Define Blockchain Network

To set up the blockchain network, we use predefined properties for a simulated EVM network. Here's the detailed implementation:

nodeNetwork := blockchain.SimulatedEVMNetwork

ethProps := &ethereum.Props{
    NetworkName: nodeNetwork.Name,         // Name of the network
    Simulated:   nodeNetwork.Simulated,   // Indicates that the network is simulated
    WsURLs:      nodeNetwork.URLs,        // WebSocket URLs for the network
    HttpURLs:    nodeNetwork.HTTPURLs,    // HTTP URLs for the network


  • Simulated Network: Represents a private, ephemeral blockchain used for testing.
  • Dynamic Selection: In real scenarios, use helper functions to dynamically select networks (public, private, or simulated) based on test requirements.
  • Custom URLs: The ethereum chart requires explicit settings for the network name and URLs.

Step 6: Build the Environment

testEnv := environment.New(baseEnvironmentConfig).
    AddHelm(ethereum.New(ethProps)).    // Blockchain node
    AddHelm(cd)                         // Chainlink nodes

err = testEnv.Run()
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error running environment", err)

Step 7: Create Blockchain Client

if !testEnv.Cfg.InsideK8s {
    wsURLs := testEnv.URLs[blockchain.SimulatedEVMNetwork.Name]
    httpURLs := testEnv.URLs[blockchain.SimulatedEVMNetwork.Name+"_http"]
    if len(wsURLs) == 0 || len(httpURLs) == 0 {
        t.Fatal("Forwarded Geth URLs should not be empty")
    nodeNetwork.URLs = wsURLs
    nodeNetwork.HTTPURLs = httpURLs

sethClient, err := seth.NewClientBuilder().
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error creating Seth client", err)


  • Local vs. Cluster Environment: When running tests outside the k8s cluster, the service URLs (ws://geth:8546, http://geth:8544) are not directly accessible. Port forwarding ensures local access to these services.
  • Automatic Port Forwarding: The Environment object manages forwarding for key services, including Geth in simulated mode, making these forwarded URLs available in the URLs map.
  • Dynamic Rewriting: URLs are dynamically rewritten to switch between in-cluster and local connectivity.

linkTokenAbi, err := link_token_interface.LinkTokenMetaData.GetAbi()
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error getting LinkToken ABI", err)

linkDeploymentData, err := sethClient.DeployContract(sethClient.NewTXOpts(), "LinkToken", *linkTokenAbi, common.FromHex(link_token_interface.LinkTokenMetaData.Bin))
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error deploying LinkToken contract", err)

linkToken, err := link_token_interface.NewLinkToken(linkDeploymentData.Address, sethClient.Client)
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error creating LinkToken contract instance", err)

totalSupply, err := linkToken.TotalSupply(sethClient.NewCallOpts())
if err != nil {
    t.Fatal("Error getting total supply of LinkToken", err)
if totalSupply.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) <= 0 {
    t.Fatal("Total supply of LinkToken should be greater than 0")


  • Deploy Contract: Deploys the LINK token contract to the simulated blockchain.
  • Verify Deployment: Ensures the total supply is greater than zero as a sanity check.

Next Steps

Learn how to run long-duration tests using a remote runner in the next chapter.


This example can be found here.