
You can use local Blockscout instance to debug EVM smart contracts.

ctf bs up

Your Blockscout instance is up on localhost

To remove it, we also clean up all Blockscout databases to prevent stale data when restarting your tests.

ctf bs down

Selecting Blockchain Node

By default, we connect to the first anvil node, but you can select the node explicitly

ctf bs -r http://host.docker.internal:8545 d
ctf bs -r http://host.docker.internal:8555 d

Blockscout isn’t ideal for local, ephemeral environments, as it won’t re-index blocks and transactions on test reruns. The easiest approach is to set up Blockscout first, initialize the test environment, switch to the cache config, and run tests without restarting RPC nodes.

Otherwise, use ctf bs r each time you restart your test with a fresh docker environment.