
This client is reponsible for simplifying interaction with MockServer during test execution (e.g. to dynamically create or modify mocked responses).


There are three ways of intializing the client:

  • providing the URL
  • providing pointer to Environment (CTF's representation of a k8s environment)
  • providing pointer to raw MockserverConfig
var myk8sEnv *environment.Environment

// ... create k8s environment

k8sMockserver := ConnectMockServer(myk8sEnv)

mockServerUrl := ""
myMockServer := ConnectMockServerURL(mockServerUrl)

customConfig := &MockserverConfig{
    LocalURL: mockServerUrl,
    ClusterURL: mockServerUrl,
    Headers: map[string]string{"x-secret-auth-header": "such-a-necessary-auth-header"},

myCustomMockServerClient := NewMockserverClient(customConfig)

In most cases you should initialise it with *environment.Environment, unless you need to pass custom headers to make the connection possible.

Typical usages

Arbitrary mock

You can set any desired behaviour by using PutExpectations(body interface{}) error funciton, where the body should be a JSON string conforming to MockServer's format that consists of a request matcher and corresponding action. For example:

var myk8sEnv *environment.Environment

returnOk := `{
  "httpRequest": {
    "method": "GET",
    "path": "/status"
  "httpResponse": {
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": {
      "message": "Service is running"

ms := ConnectMockServer(myk8sEnv)
err := ms.PutExpectations(returnOk)
if err != nil {


You can read more about expecations syntax, including OpenAPI v3 or dynamic expecations with JavaScript here.

Returning a random integer

To return random integer in the response body, together with 200 status code for all requests with a given path, use:

err := ms.SetRandomValuePath("/api/v2/my_endpoint")
if err != nil {

Returning a static integer

To return a static integer in the response body, together with 200 status code for all requests with a given path, use:

err := ms.SetValuePath("/api/v2/my_endpoint")
if err != nil {

Returning a static string

To return a static string in the response body, together with 200 status code for all requests with a given path, use:

err := ms.SetStringValuePath("/api/v2/my_endpoint", "oh-my")
if err != nil {

Returning arbitrary data

To return arbitrary data in the response body, together with 200 status code for all requests with a given path, use:

err := ms.SetAnyValueResponse("/api/v2/my_endpoint", []int{1, 2, 3})
if err != nil {

Returning arbitrary response from external adatper

To mock a response for Chainlink's external adapter for all requests with a given path, use:

var mockedResult interface{}
mockedResult = 5
err := ms.SetAnyValuePath("/api/v2/my_endpoint", mockedResult)
if err != nil {

It will return a response with following structure:

    "id": "",
    "data": {
        "result": 5


Enabling debug mode for the underlaying HTTP client can be achieved by setting RESTY_DEBUG environment variable to true.