AWS Secrets Manager

This simple client makes it even easier to:

  • read
  • create
  • remove secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.

Creating a new instance is straight-forward. You should either use environment variables or shared configuration and credentials.


Environment variables take precedence over shared credentials.

Using environment variables

You can pass required configuration as following environment variables:


Using shared credentials

If you have shared credentials stored in .aws/credentials file, then the easiest way to configure the client is by setting AWS_PROFILE environment variable with the profile name. If that environment variable is not set, the SDK will try to use default profile.


Remember, that most probably you will need to manually create a new session for that profile before running your application.


You can read more about configuring the AWS SDK here.

Once you have an instance of AWS Secrets Manager you gain access to following functions:

  • CreateSecret(key string, val string, override bool) error
  • GetSecret(key string) (AWSSecret, error)
  • RemoveSecret(key string, noRecovery bool) error