How to run the same environment deployment inside k8s

Managing k8s is challenging, so we've decided to separate k8s deployments here - CRIB

This documentation is outdated, and we are using it only internally to run our soak tests. For v2 tests please check this example and read CRIB docs

You can build a Dockerfile to run exactly the same environment interactions inside k8s in case you need to run long-running tests Base image is here

FROM <account number>
COPY . .
RUN env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o test ./examples/remote-test-runner/env.go
RUN chmod +x ./test
ENTRYPOINT ["./test"]

Build and upload it using the "latest" tag for the test-base-image

build_test_image tag=someTag

or if you want to specify a test-base-image tag

build_test_image tag=someTag base_tag=latest

Then run it

# all environment variables with a prefix TEST_ would be provided for k8s job
export TEST_ENV_VAR=myTestVarForAJob
# your image to run as a k8s job
ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r .Account)
export DETACH_RUNNER=true # if you want the test job to run in the background after it has started
export CHAINLINK_ENV_USER=yourUser # user to run the tests
export CHAINLINK_USER_TEAM=yourTeam # team to run the tests for
# your example test file to run inside k8s
# if ENV_JOB_IMAGE is present it will create a job, wait until it finished and get logs
go run examples/remote-test-runner/env.go