Postgres Connector

Postgres Connect simplifies connecting to a Postgres DB, by either:

  • providing it full db config
  • providing it a pointer to enviroment.Environment

Arbitrary DB

config := &PostgresConfig{
    Host: "",
    Port: 5432,
    User: "admin",
    Password: "oh-so-secret",
    DBName: "database",
connector, err := NewPostgresConnector(config)
if err != nil {

If no SSLMode is supplied it will default to sslmode=disable.


This code assumes it connects to k8s enviroment created with the CTF, where each Chainlink Node has an underlaying Postgres DB instance using CTF's default configuration:

var myk8sEnv *environment.Environment

// ... create k8s environment

node0PgClient, node0err := ConnectDB(0, myk8sEnv)
if node0err != nil {

node1PgClient, node1err := ConnectDB(1, myk8sEnv)
if node1err != nil {