This client is basically a wrapper over the official Prometheus client that gas three usesful functions:
- new client creation
- fetching of all firing alerts
- executing an arbitrary query with time range of
(-infinity, now)
New instance
c, err := NewPrometheusClient("")
if err != nil {
Get all firing alerts
alerts, err := c.GetAlerts()
if err != nil {
for _, alert := range alerts {
fmt.Println("Found alert: " + alert.Value + "in state: " + alert.AlertState)
Execute a query
queryResult, err := c.GetQuery(`100 - (avg by (instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[2m])) * 100)`)
if err != nil {
if asV, ok := queryResult.(.model.Vector); ok {
for _, v := range asV {
fmt.Println("Metric data: " +v.Metric)
fmt.Println("Value: " + v.Value)
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Result wasn't a model.Vector, but %T", queryResult))