EVM Blockchain Clients

We support 3 EVM clients at the moment: Geth, Anvil and Besu


  # Blockchain node type, can be "anvil", "geth" or "besu
  type = "anvil"
  # Chain ID
  chain_id = "1337"
  # Anvil command line params, ex.: docker_cmd_params = ['--block-time=1', '...']
  docker_cmd_params = []
  # Docker image and tag
  image = "f4hrenh9it/foundry:latest"
  # External port to expose (HTTP API)
  port = "8545"
  # External port to expose (WS API)
  port_ws = "8546"
  # Pulls the image every time if set to 'true', used like that in CI. Can be set to 'false' to speed up local runs
  pull_image = false

  # Outputs are the results of deploying a component that can be used by another component
    # If 'use_cache' equals 'true' we skip component setup when we run the test and return the outputs
    use_cache = true
    # Chain ID
    chain_id = "1337"
    # Chain family, "evm", "solana", "cosmos", "op", "arb"
    family = "evm"

      # URLs to access the node(s) inside docker network, used by other components
      docker_internal_http_url = "http://anvil-14411:8545"
      docker_internal_ws_url = "ws://anvil-14411:8545"
      # URLs to access the node(s) on your host machine or in CI
      http_url = ""
      ws_url = "ws://"


package my_test

import (

type Config struct {
	BlockchainA        *blockchain.Input `toml:"blockchain_a" validate:"required"`

func TestDON(t *testing.T) {
	in, err := framework.Load[Config](t)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	// deploy anvil blockchain simulator
	bc, err := blockchain.NewBlockchainNetwork(in.BlockchainA)
	require.NoError(t, err)

Test Private Keys

For Geth and Anvil we use the same key

Public: 0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266
Private: ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80

For Besu keys are

Public: 0xfe3b557e8fb62b89f4916b721be55ceb828dbd73
Private: 0x8f2a55949038a9610f50fb23b5883af3b4ecb3c3bb792cbcefbd1542c692be63

Public: 0x627306090abaB3A6e1400e9345bC60c78a8BEf57
Private: 0xc87509a1c067bbde78beb793e6fa76530b6382a4c0241e5e4a9ec0a0f44dc0d3

Public: 0xf17f52151EbEF6C7334FAD080c5704D77216b732
Private: 0xae6ae8e5ccbfb04590405997ee2d52d2b330726137b875053c36d94e974d162f

More docs for Besu can be found here