How to create environments

Managing k8s is challenging, so we've decided to separate k8s deployments here - CRIB

This documentation is outdated, and we are using it only internally to run our soak tests. For v2 tests please check this example and read CRIB docs

Getting started

Read here about how to spin up a local cluster if you don't have one.

Following examples will use hardcoded labels for the sake of satisfying validations. When using any of remote clusters you should provide them with actual and valid values, for example using following convenience functions:

nsLabels, err := GetRequiredChainLinkNamespaceLabels("my-product", "load")
require.NoError(t, err, "Error creating required labels for namespace")

workloadPodLabels, err := GetRequiredChainLinkWorkloadAndPodLabels("my-product", "load")
require.NoError(t, err, "Error creating required labels for workloads and pods")

And then setting them in the Environment config:

envConfig := &environment.Config{
	Labels:		nsLabels,
	WorkloadLabels:	workloadPodLabels
	PodLabels:		workloadPodLabels
	NamespacePrefix:	"new-environment",

Now, let's create a simple environment by combining different deployment parts.

Create examples/simple/env.go

package main

import (

func addHardcodedLabelsToEnv(env *environment.Config) {
	env.Labels = []string{"", "", ""}
	env.WorkloadLabels = map[string]string{"": "myProduct", "": "my-team", "": "test-tooling-load-test"}
    env.PodLabels = map[string]string{"": "myProduct", "": "my-team", "": "test-tooling-load-test"}

func main() {
	env := &environment.Config{
		NamespacePrefix:   "new-environment",
      	KeepConnection:    false,
      	RemoveOnInterrupt: false,

	err := environment.New(env).
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, nil)).
	if err != nil {

Then run go run examples/simple/env.go

Now you have your environment running, you can connect to it later

note* labels are used for internal reporting and cost allocation. They are strictly required and validated. You won't be able to create a new environment without them. In this tutorial we create almost all of them manually, but there are convenience functions to do it for you. You can read more about labels here

Connect to environment

We've already created an environment previously, now we can connect

If you are planning to use environment locally not in tests and keep connection, modify KeepConnection in environment.Config we used

      KeepConnection:    true,

Add ENV_NAMESPACE=${your_env_namespace} var and run go run examples/simple/env.go again

You can get the namespace name from logs on creation time

Creating environments

Debugging a new integration environment

You can spin up environment and block on forwarder if you'd like to run some other code. Let's use convenience functions for creating labels.

package main

import (

func main() {
	env := &environment.Config{
		NamespacePrefix:   "new-environment",
		KeepConnection:    true,
		RemoveOnInterrupt: true,

	err := environment.New(env).
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, nil)).
	if err != nil {

Send any signal to remove the namespace then, for example Ctrl+C SIGINT

Creating a new deployment part in Helm

Let's add a new deployment part, it should implement an interface

// ConnectedChart interface to interact both with cdk8s apps and helm charts
type ConnectedChart interface {
	// IsDeploymentNeeded
	// true - we deploy/connect and expose environment data
	// false - we are using external environment, but still exposing data
	IsDeploymentNeeded() bool
	// GetName name of the deployed part
	GetName() string
	// GetPath get Helm chart path, repo or local path
	GetPath() string
	// GetProps get code props if it's typed environment
	GetProps() any
	// GetValues get values.yml props as map, if it's Helm
	GetValues() *map[string]any
	// ExportData export deployment part data in the env
	ExportData(e *Environment) error
	// GetLabels get labels for component, it must return `` label
	GetLabels() map[string]string

When creating new deployment part, you can use any public Helm chart or a local path in Helm props

func New(props *Props) environment.ConnectedChart {
	if props == nil {
		props = defaultProps()
	return Chart{
		HelmProps: &HelmProps{
			Name:   "sol",
			Path:   "chainlink-qa/solana-validator", // ./local_path/chartdir will work too
			Values: &props.Values,
		Props: props,

func (m NewDeploymentPart) GetLabels() map[string]string {
	return map[string]string{
        "": "new-deployment-part",

Now let's tie them together

package main

import (

func main() {
	env := &environment.Config{
		NamespacePrefix:   "adding-new-deployment-part",
		TTL:               3 * time.Hour,
		KeepConnection:    true,
		RemoveOnInterrupt: true,

	e := environment.New(env).
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, map[string]any{
			"replicas": 5,
			"env": map[string]any{
				"SOLANA_ENABLED":              "true",
				"EVM_ENABLED":                 "false",
				"EVM_RPC_ENABLED":             "false",
				"CHAINLINK_DEV":               "false",
				"feature_offchain_reporting":  "false",
				"P2P_NETWORKING_STACK":        "V2",
				"P2PV2_LISTEN_ADDRESSES":      "",
				"P2PV2_DELTA_DIAL":            "5s",
				"P2PV2_DELTA_RECONCILE":       "5s",
				"p2p_listen_port":             "0",
	if err := e.Run(); err != nil {

Then run it examples/deployment_part/cmd/env.go

Creating a new deployment part in cdk8s

Let's add a new deployment part, it should implement the same interface

// ConnectedChart interface to interact both with cdk8s apps and helm charts
type ConnectedChart interface {
	// IsDeploymentNeeded
	// true - we deploy/connect and expose environment data
	// false - we are using external environment, but still exposing data
	IsDeploymentNeeded() bool
	// GetName name of the deployed part
	GetName() string
	// GetPath get Helm chart path, repo or local path
	GetPath() string
	// GetProps get code props if it's typed environment
	GetProps() any
	// GetValues get values.yml props as map, if it's Helm
	GetValues() *map[string]any
	// ExportData export deployment part data in the env
	ExportData(e *Environment) error
    // GetLabels get labels for component, it must return `` label
    GetLabels() map[string]string

Now let's tie them together

package main

import (

func main() {
	env := &environment.Config{
		NamespacePrefix:   "adding-new-deployment-part",
		TTL:               3 * time.Hour,
		KeepConnection:    true,
		RemoveOnInterrupt: true,

	e := environment.New(env).
			AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, map[string]any{
				"replicas": 2,
	if err := e.Run(); err != nil {

Then run it examples/deployment_part_cdk8s/cmd/env.go

Using multi-stage environment

You can split environment deployment in several parts if you need to first copy something into a pod or use connected clients first

package main

import (
	mockservercfg ""

func main() {
    envConfig := &environment.Config{
		Labels:         []string{"", "", ""},
		WorkloadLabels: map[string]string{"": "myProduct", "": "my-team", "": "test-tooling-load-test"},
		PodLabels:      map[string]string{"": "myProduct", "": "my-team", "": "test-tooling-load-test"}
	e := environment.New(envConfig)
	err := e.
		AddChart(blockscout.New(&blockscout.Props{})). // you can also add cdk8s charts if you like Go code
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, nil)).
	if err != nil {
	// do some other stuff with deployed charts
	pl, err := e.Client.ListPods(e.Cfg.Namespace, "app=chainlink-0")
	if err != nil {
	dstPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s:/", e.Cfg.Namespace, pl.Items[0].Name)
	if _, _, _, err = e.Client.CopyToPod(e.Cfg.Namespace, "./examples/multistage/someData.txt", dstPath, "node"); err != nil {
	// deploy another part
	err = e.
	defer func() {
		errr := e.Shutdown()
	if err != nil {

Modifying environments

Modifying environment from code

In case you need to modify environment in tests you can always construct manifest again and apply it

That's working for cdk8s components too

package main

import (

func main() {
	modifiedEnvConfig := &environment.Config{
        NamespacePrefix: "modified-env",
		Labels:         []string{"envType=Modified", "", "", ""},
		WorkloadLabels: map[string]string{"": "myProduct", "": "my-team", "": "test-tooling-load-test"},
		PodLabels:      map[string]string{"": "myProduct", "": "my-team", "": "test-tooling-load-test"}
	e := environment.New(modifiedEnvConfig).
			WsURL:   "ws://geth:8546",
			HttpURL: "http://geth:8544",
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, map[string]any{
			"replicas": 1,
	err := e.Run()
	if err != nil {
	err = e.
			HttpURL: "http://geth:9000",
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, map[string]any{
			"replicas": 1,
	if err != nil {

Modifying environment part from code

We can modify only a part of environment

package main

import (
	mockservercfg ""

func main() {
    modifiedEnvConfig := &environment.Config{
      NamespacePrefix: "modified-env",

    e := environment.New(modifiedEnvConfig).
      AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, map[string]any{
          "replicas": 1,
	err := e.Run()
	if err != nil {
	e.Cfg.KeepConnection = true
	e.Cfg.RemoveOnInterrupt = true
	e, err = e.
		ReplaceHelm("chainlink-0", chainlink.New(0, map[string]any{
			"replicas": 2,
	if err != nil {
	err = e.Run()
	if err != nil {


Environment variables

List of environment variables available

const (
	EnvVarNamespace            = "ENV_NAMESPACE"
	EnvVarNamespaceDescription = "Namespace name to connect to"
	EnvVarNamespaceExample     = "chainlink-test-epic"

	// deprecated (for now left for backwards compatibility)
	EnvVarCLImage            = "CHAINLINK_IMAGE"
	EnvVarCLImageDescription = "Chainlink image repository"
	EnvVarCLImageExample     = ""

	// deprecated (for now left for backwards compatibility)
	EnvVarCLTag            = "CHAINLINK_VERSION"
	EnvVarCLTagDescription = "Chainlink image tag"
	EnvVarCLTagExample     = "1.5.1-root"

	EnvVarUser            = "CHAINLINK_ENV_USER"
	EnvVarUserDescription = "Owner of an environment"
	EnvVarUserExample     = "Satoshi"

    EnvVarTeam            = "CHAINLINK_USER_TEAM"
    EnvVarTeamDescription = "Team to, which owner of the environment belongs to"
    EnvVarTeamExample     = "BIX, CCIP, BCM"

	EnvVarCLCommitSha            = "CHAINLINK_COMMIT_SHA"
	EnvVarCLCommitShaDescription = "The sha of the commit that you're running tests on. Mostly used for CI"
	EnvVarCLCommitShaExample     = "${{ github.sha }}"

	EnvVarTestTrigger            = "TEST_TRIGGERED_BY"
	EnvVarTestTriggerDescription = "How the test was triggered, either manual or CI."
	EnvVarTestTriggerExample     = "CI"

	EnvVarLogLevel            = "TEST_LOG_LEVEL"
	EnvVarLogLevelDescription = "Environment logging level"
	EnvVarLogLevelExample     = "info | debug | trace"

	EnvVarSlackKey            = "SLACK_API_KEY"
	EnvVarSlackKeyDescription = "The OAuth Slack API key to report tests results with"
	EnvVarSlackKeyExample     = "xoxb-example-key"

	EnvVarSlackChannel            = "SLACK_CHANNEL"
	EnvVarSlackChannelDescription = "The Slack code for the channel you want to send the notification to"
	EnvVarSlackChannelExample     = "C000000000"

	EnvVarSlackUser            = "SLACK_USER"
	EnvVarSlackUserDescription = "The Slack code for the user you want to notify"
	EnvVarSlackUserExample     = "U000000000"

Environment config

// Config is an environment common configuration, labels, annotations, connection types, readiness check, etc.
type Config struct {
	// TTL is time to live for the environment, used with kyverno
	TTL time.Duration
	// NamespacePrefix is a static namespace prefix
	NamespacePrefix string
	// Namespace is full namespace name
	Namespace string
	// Labels is a set of labels applied to the namespace in a format of "key=value"
	Labels            []string
    // PodLabels is a set of labels applied to every pod in the namespace
    PodLabels map[string]string
    // WorkloadLabels is a set of labels applied to every workload in the namespace
    WorkloadLabels map[string]string
    // PreventPodEviction if true sets a k8s annotation safe-to-evict=false to prevent pods from being evicted
    // Note: This should only be used if your test is completely incapable of handling things like K8s rebalances without failing.
    // If that is the case, it's worth the effort to make your test fault-tolerant soon. The alternative is expensive and infuriating.
    PreventPodEviction bool
    // Allow deployment to nodes with these tolerances
    Tolerations []map[string]string
    // Restrict deployment to only nodes matching a particular node role
    NodeSelector map[string]string
    // ReadyCheckData is settings for readiness probes checks for all deployment components
    // checking that all pods are ready by default with 8 minutes timeout
    //	&client.ReadyCheckData{
    //		ReadinessProbeCheckSelector: "",
    //		Timeout:                     15 * time.Minute,
    //	}
    ReadyCheckData *client.ReadyCheckData
    // DryRun if true, app will just generate a manifest in local dir
    DryRun bool
    // InsideK8s used for long-running soak tests where you connect to env from the inside
    InsideK8s bool
    // SkipManifestUpdate will skip updating the manifest upon connecting to the environment. Should be true if you wish to update the manifest (e.g. upgrade pods)
    SkipManifestUpdate bool
    // KeepConnection keeps connection until interrupted with a signal, useful when prototyping and debugging a new env
    KeepConnection bool
    // RemoveOnInterrupt automatically removes an environment on interrupt
    RemoveOnInterrupt bool
    // UpdateWaitInterval an interval to wait for deployment update started
    UpdateWaitInterval time.Duration

    // Remote Runner Specific Variables //
    // JobImage an image to run environment as a job inside k8s
    JobImage string
    // Specify only if you want remote-runner to start with a specific name
    RunnerName string
    // Specify only if you want to mount reports from test run in remote runner
    ReportPath string
    // JobLogFunction a function that will be run on each log
    JobLogFunction func(*Environment, string)
    // Test the testing library current Test struct
    Test *testing.T
    // jobDeployed used to limit us to 1 remote runner deploy
    jobDeployed bool
    // detachRunner should we detach the remote runner after starting the test
    detachRunner bool
    // fundReturnFailed the status of a fund return
    fundReturnFailed bool


Collecting logs

You can collect the logs while running tests, or if you have created an enrionment already

package main

import (

func main() {
	env := &environment.Config{}

	e := environment.New(env).
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, nil))
	if err := e.Run(); err != nil {
	if err := e.DumpLogs("logs/mytest"); err != nil {

Resources summary

It can be useful to get current env resources summary for test reporting

package main

import (

func main() {
	env := &environment.Config{}

  	e := environment.New(env).
		AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, nil))
	err := e.Run()
	if err != nil {
	// default k8s selector
	summ, err := e.ResourcesSummary("app in (chainlink-0, geth)")
	if err != nil {
	log.Warn().Interface("Resources", summ).Send()


Check our tests to see how we using Chaosmesh


Build your target image with those 2 steps to allow automatic coverage discovery

FROM ...

# add those 2 steps to instrument the code
RUN curl -s | grep "browser_download_url.*-linux-amd64.tar.gz" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | xargs -n 1 curl -L | tar -zx && chmod +x goc && mv goc /usr/local/bin
# -o my_service means service will be called "my_service" in goc coverage service
# --center http://goc:7777 means that on deploy, your instrumented service will automatically register to a local goc node inside your deployment (namespace)
RUN goc build -o my_service . --center http://goc:7777

CMD ["./my_service"]

Add goc to your deployment, check example with dummy service deployment:

package main

import (

  goc ""
  dummy ""

func main() {
	envConfig := &environment.Config{}
	e := environment.New(envConfig).
	if err := e.Run(); err != nil {
	// run your test logic here
	time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
	if err := e.SaveCoverage(); err != nil {
	// clear the coverage, rerun the tests again if needed
	if err := e.ClearCoverage(); err != nil {

After tests are finished, coverage is collected for every service, check cover directory

TOML Config

Keep in mind that configuring Chainlink image/version & Pyroscope via env vars is deprecated. The latter won't even work anymore. That means that this method should be avoided in new environments. Instead, use the TOML config method described below.

	AddHelm(chainlink.New(0, nil))

It's recommended to use a TOML config file to configure Chainlink and Pyroscope:

// read the config file
config := testconfig.GetConfig("Load", "Automation")

var overrideFn = func(_ interface{}, target interface{}) {
	ctf_config.MustConfigOverrideChainlinkVersion(&config.ChainlinkImage, target)
	ctf_config.MightConfigOverridePyroscopeKey(&config.Pyroscope, target)

AddHelm(chainlink.NewWithOverride(0, map[string]interface{}{
	"replicas": 1,
}, &config, overrideFn))

Using that will cause the override function to be executed on the default propos thus overriding the default values with the values from the config file. If config.ChainlinkImage is nil or it's missing either Image or Version code will panic. If Pyroscope is disabled or key is not set it will be ignored.