

Contrary to other clients, you will find Grafana client in a separate package & go module.

Grafana client encapsulate following functionalities:

  • Dashboard creation
  • Managing dashboard annotations (CRUD)
  • Checking alerts

New instance

In order to create a new instance you will need:

  • URL
  • API token

For example:

url := ""
apiToken := "such-a-secret-1&11n"
gc := NewGrafanaClient(url, apiToken)

Dashboard creation

You can create a new dashboard defined in JSON with:

//define your dashboard here
dashboardJson := ``

request := PostDashboardRequest {
    Dashboard: dashboardJson,
    FolderId: 5 // change to your folder id

dr, rawResponse, err := gc.PostDashboard(request)
if err != nil {

if rawResponse.StatusCode() != 200 {
    panic("response code wasn't 200, but " + rawResponse.StatusCode())

fmt.Println("Dashboard slug is is " + *dr.Slug)

Posting annotations

You can post annotations in a following way:

annDetails := PostAnnotation {
	DashboardUID: "some-uid",
	Time:         time.Now(),
	TimeEnd:      time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)
	Text:         "my test annotation"

r, rawResponse, err := gc.PostAnnotation(annDetails)
if rawResponse.StatusCode() != 200 {
    panic("response code wasn't 200, but " + rawResponse.StatusCode())

fmt.Println("Created annotation with id: " + r.Id)

Checking alerts

You can check alerts firing for a dashboard with UID:

alerts, rawResponse, err := gc.AlertRulerClient.GetAlertsForDashboard("some-uid")
if rawResponse.StatusCode() != 200 {
    panic("response code wasn't 200, but " + rawResponse.StatusCode())

for name, value := range alerts {
    fmt.Println("Alert named " + name + "was triggered. Details: " + string(value))


To enable debug mode for the underlaying HTTP client set RESTY_DEBUG environment variable to true.