Solana Blockchain Client

Since Solana doesn't have official image for arm64 we built it, images we use are:

amd64 solanalabs/solana:v1.18.26 - used in CI
arm64 f4hrenh9it/solana:latest - used locally


  type = "solana"
  # public key for mint
  public_key = "9n1pyVGGo6V4mpiSDMVay5As9NurEkY283wwRk1Kto2C"
  # contracts directory, programs
  contracts_dir = "."
  # optional, in case you need some custom image
  # image = "solanalabs/solana:v1.18.26"

# optional
# To deploy a solana program, we can provide a mapping of program name to program id.
# The program name has to match the name of the .so file in the contracts_dir directory.
# This example assumes there is a in the mounted contracts_dir directory
# value is the program_id to set for the deployed program, any valid public key can be used here.
# this allows lookup via program_id during testing.
# Alternative, we can use `solana deploy` instead of this field to deploy a program, but 
# program_id will be auto generated.
  mcm = "6UmMZr5MEqiKWD5jqTJd1WCR5kT8oZuFYBLJFi1o6GQX"


package examples

import (

type CfgSolana struct {
	BlockchainA *blockchain.Input `toml:"blockchain_a" validate:"required"`

func TestSolanaSmoke(t *testing.T) {
	in, err := framework.Load[CfgSolana](t)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	bc, err := blockchain.NewBlockchainNetwork(in.BlockchainA)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	t.Run("test something", func(t *testing.T) {
		// use internal URL to connect chainlink nodes
		_ = bc.Nodes[0].DockerInternalHTTPUrl
		// use host URL to deploy contracts
		c := client.NewClient(bc.Nodes[0].HostHTTPUrl)
		latestSlot, err := c.GetSlotWithConfig(context.Background(), client.GetSlotConfig{Commitment: "processed"})
		require.NoError(t, err)
		fmt.Printf("Latest slot: %v\n", latestSlot)

Test Private Keys

Public: 9n1pyVGGo6V4mpiSDMVay5As9NurEkY283wwRk1Kto2C
Private: [11,2,35,236,230,251,215,68,220,208,166,157,229,181,164,26,150,230,218,229,41,20,235,80,183,97,20,117,191,159,228,243,130,101,145,43,51,163,139,142,11,174,113,54,206,213,188,127,131,147,154,31,176,81,181,147,78,226,25,216,193,243,136,149]