BenchSpy - Standard Loki Metrics


This example assumes you have access to Loki and Grafana instances. If you don't, learn how to launch them using CTFv2's observability stack.

In this example, our Loki workflow will differ from the previous one in just a few details:

  • The generator will include a Loki configuration.
  • The standard query executor type will be benchspy.StandardQueryExecutor_Loki.
  • All results will be cast to []string.
  • We'll calculate medians for all metrics.


Step 1: Define a New Load Generator

Let's start by defining a new load generator:

label := "benchspy-std"

gen, err := wasp.NewGenerator(&wasp.Config{
    T:          t,
    // read Loki config from environment
    LokiConfig: wasp.NewEnvLokiConfig(),
    GenName:    "vu",
    // set unique labels
    Labels: map[string]string{
        "branch": label,
        "commit": label,
    CallTimeout: 100 * time.Millisecond,
    LoadType:    wasp.VU,
    Schedule:    wasp.Plain(10, 15*time.Second),
    VU: wasp.NewMockVU(&wasp.MockVirtualUserConfig{
        CallSleep: 50 * time.Millisecond,
require.NoError(t, err)

Step 2: Run the Generator and Save the Baseline Report


baseLineReport, err := benchspy.NewStandardReport(
    // notice the different standard query executor type
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to create baseline report")

fetchCtx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
defer cancelFn()

fetchErr := baseLineReport.FetchData(fetchCtx)
require.NoError(t, fetchErr, "failed to fetch data for baseline report")

path, storeErr := baseLineReport.Store()
require.NoError(t, storeErr, "failed to store baseline report", path)

Step 3: Skip to Metrics Comparison

Since the next steps are very similar to those in the first test, we’ll skip them and go straight to metrics comparison.

By default, the LokiQueryExecutor returns results as the []string data type. Let’s use dedicated convenience functions to cast them from interface{} to string slices:

allCurrentAsStringSlice := benchspy.MustAllLokiResults(currentReport)
allPreviousAsStringSlice := benchspy.MustAllLokiResults(previousReport)

require.NotEmpty(t, allCurrentAsStringSlice, "current report is empty")
require.NotEmpty(t, allPreviousAsStringSlice, "previous report is empty")

currentAsStringSlice := allCurrentAsStringSlice[gen.Cfg.GenName]
previousAsStringSlice := allPreviousAsStringSlice[gen.Cfg.GenName]

An explanation is needed here: this function separates metrics for each generator, hence it returns a map[string]map[string][]string. Let's break it down:

  • outer map's key is generator name
  • inner map's key is metric name and the value is a series of measurements In our case there's only a single generator, but in a complex test there might be a few.

Step 4: Compare Metrics

Now, let’s compare metrics. Since we have []string, we’ll first convert it to []float64, calculate the median, and ensure the difference between the averages is less than 1%. Again, this is just an example—you should decide the best way to validate your metrics. Here we are explicitly aggregating them using an average to get a single number representation of each metric, but for your case a median or percentile or yet some other aggregate might be more appropriate.

var compareAverages = func(t *testing.T, metricName string, currentAsStringSlice, previousAsStringSlice map[string][]string, maxPrecentageDiff float64) {
	require.NotEmpty(t, currentAsStringSlice[metricName], "%s results were missing from current report", metricName)
	require.NotEmpty(t, previousAsStringSlice[metricName], "%s results were missing from previous report", metricName)

	currentFloatSlice, err := benchspy.StringSliceToFloat64Slice(currentAsStringSlice[metricName])
	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to convert %s results to float64 slice", metricName)
	currentMedian, err := stats.Mean(currentFloatSlice)
	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to calculate median for %s results", metricName)

	previousFloatSlice, err := benchspy.StringSliceToFloat64Slice(previousAsStringSlice[metricName])
	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to convert %s results to float64 slice", metricName)
	previousMedian, err := stats.Mean(previousFloatSlice)
	require.NoError(t, err, "failed to calculate median for %s results", metricName)

	var diffPrecentage float64
	if previousMedian != 0.0 && currentMedian != 0.0 {
		diffPrecentage = (currentMedian - previousMedian) / previousMedian * 100
	} else if previousMedian == 0.0 && currentMedian == 0.0 {
		diffPrecentage = 0.0
	} else {
		diffPrecentage = 100.0
	assert.LessOrEqual(t, math.Abs(diffPrecentage), maxPrecentageDiff, "%s medians are more than 1% different", metricName, fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", diffPrecentage))

compareAverages(t, string(benchspy.Percentile95Latency), currentAsStringSlice, previousAsStringSlice, 1.0)
compareAverages(t, string(benchspy.MaxLatency), currentAsStringSlice, previousAsStringSlice, 1.0)
compareAverages(t, string(benchspy.ErrorRate), currentAsStringSlice, previousAsStringSlice, 1.0)


Standard Loki metrics are all calculated using a 10 seconds moving window, which results in smoothing of values due to aggregation. To learn what that means in details, please refer to To Loki or Not to Loki chapter.

Also, due to the HTTP API endpoint used, namely the query_range, all query results are always returned as a slice. Execution of instant queries that return a single data point is currently not supported.

What’s Next?

In this example, we used standard metrics, which are the same as in the first test. Now, let’s explore how to use your custom LogQL queries.


You can find the full example here.